
时 间:2020年1月6日(周一)10:00

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主讲人:李朝军 加拿大皇家科学院院士

题 目:Exploration of New Chemical Reactivities for Synthetic Efficiency


李朝军教授,加拿大皇家科学院院士、发展中国家科学院院士、英国皇家化学会会士、美国科学促进会会士、加拿大化学研究所(CIC)和美国化学学会(ACS)研究员。于1983年获得郑州大学化学系学士学位,于1988年获中国科学院北京化学所硕士学位,1992年在加拿大McGill大学获得博士学位,导师为T. H. Chan 和 D. N. Harpp,1992年至1994年在美国斯坦福大学Barry M. Trost课题组做博士后。曾任美杜兰大学担任助理教授(1994),副教授(1998)及正教授(2000)。自2003年起任加拿大绿色化学研究所首席科学家(Tier I)和加拿大麦吉尔大学有机化学教授(2009起为E. B. Eddy 首席教授),他曾担任加拿大绿色化学和工程中心的联合主席、绿色化学和绿色化学的CFI设施主任、绿色化学NSERC CREATE中心主任,魁北克省FQRNT中心和绿色化学和催化中心的联合主任。他还担任《Green Chemistry》和《Chem. Commun.》等杂志的副主编等学术兼职。

李朝军教授在全球范围内获得了许多著名的奖项及荣誉。其中包括:1997年获美国国家基金会职业奖,2000年获中国国家科学基金委颁发的杰出青年基金(海外),2001年获得美国总统绿色化学挑战奖,2010年获加拿大绿色化学与工程奖,2011年获加拿大华裔专业人士联合会颁发的优秀奖以及加拿大化学学会颁发的2015年R. U. Lemieux 奖、2018年的Alfred Bader奖,2018年获加拿大文化艺术理事会基拉姆奖等。


Brief Introduction of Professor Chao-Jun Li

Prof. Chao-Jun Li is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (加拿大皇家科学院院士), Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS, 发展中国家科学院院士), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (UK), Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) and Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

He received his B.Sc. at Zhengzhou University (1983), MS at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (1988) and Ph.D. (with honors) at McGill University (1992) under the direction of T. H. Chan and D. N. Harpp. He spent 1992-94 as a NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow with Barry M. Trost at Stanford University (US), and was an Assistant Professor (1994), Associate Professor (1998) and Full Professor (2000) at Tulane University (US). Since 2003, he has been a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Green Chemistry and a Professor (E. B. Eddy Chair Professor since 2009) of Organic Chemistry at McGill University, Canada. He served as the Co-Chair of the Canadian Green Chemistry and Engineering Network, the Director of the CFI Facility for Green Chemistry and Green Chemicals, the Director of NSERC CREATE (Center) for Green Chemistry, and the Co-Director of the FQRNT Center for Green Chemistry and Catalysis (Quebec). He also serves as the Associate Editor for the Americas for the journal of Green Chemistry (Royal Society of Chemistry, UK), Chem. Commun. (2020-), and others. Dr. Li received a number of prestigious awards/honors worldwide. These include the US National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award (1997), 杰青 (B) of National Science Foundation of China (2000), a United States Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2001), the Canadian Green Chemistry and Engineering Award (2010), the Award of Merit by the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (2011), the R. U. Lemieux Award (2015) and the Alfred Bader Award (2018) of the Canadian Chemical Society, the Killam Fellow Award (2018) of the Canadian Council of Arts, and a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Senior) Fellow (2002).

His current research efforts are to develop Green Chemistry for organic synthesis based upon innovative and fundamentally new organic reactions that will defy conventional reactivities and possess high “atom-efficiency”. He has published >460 peer-reviewed articles, 7 books, and has given ca 450 plenary/keynote/invited lectures. His research has been cited widely in the literature (>42,000 times, h-index=100) and was featured as one of the top 20 Canadian Chemistry Discoveries in the past century by Canadian Chemical News in 2007. He was on the list of the Thomson Reuter’s Highly Cited Scientists (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2020-01-02