


主讲人:John Hartwig教授 美国科学院院士、艺术与科学院院士

题目:Selective Catalytic Functionalizations of C-H and C=C Bonds


John Hartwig教授,美国科学院院士、艺术与科学院院士,加州大学伯克利分校化学院The Henry Rapoport讲席教授,同时也是劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室高级科学家。John Hartwig教授于普林斯顿大学以最高荣誉获得化学学士学位,随后在加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位;在麻省理工从事博士后工作后,于1992年在耶鲁大学开始了独立研究工作,任Irénée DuPont讲席教授;2006年-2011年以Kenneth L. Rinehart Jr. 讲席教授任职于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校;2011年至今执教于加州大学伯克利分校。 John Hartwig教授获得过很多奖项,包括阿瑟·C·科普奖(2021);约翰·甘布尔·柯克伍德奖(2020);沃尔夫化学奖(2019);英国皇家化学会百年奖(2018);名古屋金奖(2014);美国国立卫生研究院优异奖(2014);赫伯特·C·布朗合成方法创新研究奖(2013);美国国立卫生研究院优异奖(2009);日本三井化学催化科学奖(2009);A.C. Cope 学者奖 (1998) 等等。

John Hartwig教授以他的名字命名的有机化学反应,Hartwig-Buchwald胺化反应,在有机化学领域被大家熟知。他的研究领域为有机化学、金属有机化学与化学生物学的交叉学科,结合了有机合成、金属有机合成、酶的设计与进化、以及催化反应的机制研究,聚集于发现新的过渡金属以及人工酶催化的有机化学反应,包括烷烃和芳烃的选择性催化官能化、交叉偶联形成芳基和烯丙基胺和醚、α-芳基和α-烯丙基羰基衍生物、芳烃的氟化和氟烷基化方法、烯烃加成、利用可再生化学原料制备化学品和聚合物,以及金属酶催化的烃基官能化反应。此外,他还撰写了有机金属化学教科书“有机过渡金属化学:从键合到催化”。

Brief Introduction of Professor John Hartwig

Professor John Hartwig is the Henry Rapoport Chair in Organic Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, is also a senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. John got his bachelor degree in chemistry from Prince University with high honors, and his PhD from University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) with Professor Bob Bergman and Richard Andersen. Then, John worked as a postdoc with Professor Stephen Lippard at MIT. He started his independent research in 1992 and was promoted as full professor in 1998 at Yale University. Later he was pointed as Irénée DuPont professor at Yale. In 2006, he joined to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) as Kenneth L. Rinehart Jr. Professor of Chemistry. In 2011, he returned to the Bay Area of California and joined University of California at Berkeley. John is elected member of National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts & Sciences. He has won plenty of awards, including, Arthur C. Cope Award in 2021, Wolf Prize in Chemistry in 2019, Centenary Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry in 2018, Nagoya Gold Medal Award in 2015, et cetera. John is well-known for the reaction named after his name, the Hartwig-Buchwald Amination, also for his contribution in organotransition metal chemistry, at the same time, he is also a pioneer in the artificial enzymatic catalysis.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2023-09-11