
时 间:2024年5月9日(周四)下午14:30

地 点中国)app,综合体育赛事平台樱顶老图书馆

主讲人:森和俊 日本京都大学

题 目:Dynamics of the function and regulation of the endoplasmic reticulum


森和俊(Kazutoshi Mori),日本京都大学生物物理学教授。1981年毕业于京都大学医药科学系获学士学位,1987年获该校博士学位。1985-1989年在岐阜药科大学任讲师;1989-1993年,在美国德克萨斯州大学西南医学中心任博士后研究员;1993-1999年为京都热休克蛋白研究院主任研究员;1999年起至今在京都大学任生物物理学系教授。

未折叠蛋白响应(Unfolded Protein Response, UPR)是真核细胞中内质网稳态维持和蛋白质质量控制的关键机制。森和俊教授是未折叠蛋白响应领域的奠基人之一,获得了众多的国际著名奖项,包括拉斯克基础医学奖(Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award,2014)、科学突破奖(Breakthrough Prize,2018)、盖尔德纳奖(Gairdner Award,2009)、邵逸夫奖(Shaw Prize,2014)、汤森路透引文桂冠奖 (Thomson Reuters Citation Laureate,2015)等。

Brief Introduction of Professor Kazutoshi Mori

Dr. Kazutoshi Mori is a professor in the Department of Biophysics at Kyoto University, Japan. He received his Bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyoto University in 1981 and his Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Kyoto University in 1987. He served as an Instructor at Gifu Pharmaceutical University, and then did his postdoctoral research at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center from 1989 to 1993. After working as a Research Manager at the HSP Research Institute of Kyoto from 1993 to 1999, he joined the Department of Biophysics of Kyoto University as an Associate Professor in 1999 and has been a Full Professor since 2003.

Professor Kazutoshi Mori is the very pioneer in the field of the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), a key mechanism in ER homeostasis maintenance and protein quality control in eukaryotic cells. He thus received numerous international awards, including the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award (2014), the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2018), the Canada Gairdner International Award (2009), the Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine (2014), and the Thomson Reuters Citation Laureate (2015).



发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2024-05-06